Thursday, February 12, 2015

10 Components To Developing A Healthy Relationship With Food

While most of us would argue that we eat to live, the reality is that most of us live to eat.
We spend a quarter of our life thinking about, shopping for, feeling, cooking, baking, roasting, burning, biting, chewing, tasting, gulping, ingesting and digesting food.

Clearly making food is not just another mundane path to everyday survival, like consuming oxygen. It takes up a lot of mental energy, and having healthy thoughts about food is important for our minds, bodies and higher consciousness.

My journey with food has been very special. There are a lot of good habits, practices and rituals that I have learned, imbibed and embraced over the past few years. This might have a lot to do with my job as a TV producer, where for the past three years I only made food-related programs – a fabulous opportunity to live, breathe, and eat food!

I have had my own eureka moments, moments of silent awakening and also of celebration with the everyday business of eating.

Today I see my grub in a new light. This has helped me increase my productivity, improved my quality of life and of my relationships, and increased my appetite for all of life’s experiences. These lessons are simple, which is why perhaps we overlook them so often. I want to share my happiness with you with these top ten components of developing a healthy relationship with food:

1. Be Grateful For Every Morsel

Do not take a single bite for granted. Every time you sit down to eat or grab a burger to go, or order a scrumptious meal from your favourite restaurant, take a moment to thank the Universe, the creator, the life force, or whoever/whatever you believe in. If you don’t believe in anything or anybody, thank yourself. Each bite is precious. You are blessed to get food at a time when you are hungry, to feed the fire in your belly. This is your life source, your sustenance. Please do not take it for granted; put aside a moment at each meal for this thought. You’ll be amazed at how much gratitude enhances your eating experience!

2. Switch To Vegan / Vegetarian

Try this for a few weeks and see how your system responds. I was a happy meat eater until I took the big plunge and I haven’t looked back since! You feel more agile, light, loving and happy. You will be able to wake up earlier, your mind will be less noisy, and your new food palette will offer a world of colour and wellness. Top sources for protein, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and water are found in vegetables and fruits.

I am not going to talk about reducing global footprint, less pollution, or other health problems such as cholesterol, obesity, and acne – though of course these are reasons enough to stop eating meat. And while eating a strictly raw diet might be too much of a jump for many people, particularly those new to this way of eating, vegetarianism is a gift to yourself. If you are very concerned about your food seeming bland by comparison, buy some vegetarian/satvik cooking books. You will discover a whole new natural world filled with incredibly complex flavours, textures, and colours.

3. Cooking With Consciousness

This is by far the most important.  Food nourishes you. If a plant does not get enough water or sunlight, it might still survive, but what’s going to happen? There is a difference between surviving and thriving. Similarly for humans, while all of us will perish one day, it’s the quality of the life that we live which matters. Simply put, you are made of energy and so is food. The kind of food you eat will have an effect on your body and mind,  so practice cooking with consciousness.

This has a few simple principles – Treat your kitchen like a sacred place. Keep it clean, ventilated, and loved. When you cook, think beautiful thoughts. Think of how the food is going to nourish you. If this is too difficult, simply put on relaxing music or chants. In ancient India, people used to chant ‘shlokas’ or hymns while cooking. Furthermore, cooks would enter the kitchen after a bath to clear their bodies and minds. Food was first offered to ‘God’ and then eaten as sanctified ‘prasadam’. This practice energizes your food. If you have seen Dr. Emoto’s experiments with water you definitely know what I am talking about! Sending good energy to your food while cooking will help your food not just fill your belly but nourish you. Try this one day and see how you feel.

4. Eating As A Ritual

Eating isn’t just another chore. Make this a ritual and enjoy it every day. See it as ‘time to yourself’ where you will not think about anything, switch off your phone or put it aside, put away all other distractions, and then savour the food. Make your own little customs – designate a special place for this ritual, sprinkle some water around the plate (this was a popular cleansing ritual practiced in ancient India), eat in a plantain / leaf, drink a little holy basil soaked water, sit straight, play some soothing music, or do whatever it is that makes you feel good about your food. Put this time aside for celebrating yourself by nourishing your body with good food, love, and happy thoughts.

5. Chew. Chew. Chew

I haven’t made this a part of the previous point for a reason. This is way too important to be grouped with anything else. There is an ancient wisdom which I’d like to share – we have 32 teeth to chew every morsel 32 times before we eat it. Why make your intestines do the work of your teeth? Chewing is also therapeutic only if it is combined with relaxing thoughts. If done otherwise, eating can become very stressful, because you are putting negative energy into the process. So every time you chew choose to thank the universe or consciously tell your mind that the food is going to help you relax, make you more productive, or improve your cognition.

6. Hydrate Your Body

Your body is 70 percent liquid. We have all heard this fact. But many of us are unaware of the fact that lack of water actually wreaks havoc on the body, or don’t know why this is the case. The number 1 reason for headaches is lack of water. Not having enough water can hamper your ability to think clearly, cause feelings of anger, helplessness, and anxiety, as well as contribute to sleeplessness and general unhappiness. It is also a major culprit behind poor digestion and feeling hungry.

Drinking enough water is such a simple to solution to so many bodily woes, yet many of us are completely unaware. This is because many big pharmaceutical companies are happier selling their pills than offering a simple, natural tip – drink water! Hydrating ourselves is pretty easy: drink at least 3 litres a day, making sure this isn’t immediately before or after your meals. Many of us just forget to drink enough water, myself included! I have a water alarm that rings every half an hour, and I highly recommend you download this wonderful app. Otherwise you can just keep a bottle of water in every room, your desk, garden, car, gym bag, or wherever you spend your time.

7. Go Organic

This is a completely bastardized term – many products claim to be organic, but often they are not. Organic products are 3 times more expensive than their poison-infused counterparts. But here’s the deal – too many people are busy counting calories and too few are counting chemicals. We don’t blink twice before buying a cup of coffee at Starbucks or spending 20$ for a meal at a regular restaurant, but organic food feels too expensive. Add this apathy to the fact that there are numerous ads for pricey eateries and coffee houses, but practically no advertising or social propaganda to ban non-organic food, and the results are devastating.

It’s time to make that plunge. Switch to a complete organic lifestyle. If it’s too expensive, grow veggies at home. Tomatoes, chilli, mint, gourds, lime, holy basil, carrot, radish, and beetroot are growing at my home right now, and it occupies less than 8 x 5 feet. It’s actually a lot simpler than you ever thought. If you don’t have the time or energy, please find a vendor who can home deliver your organic food and dairy. There are quite a few good ones in the market who offer free deliveries. It is only about making the first big move. I can promise you a lifetime of rewards.

8. Wabi-sabi Your Life

Wabi-sabi is the most beautiful lesson you’ll learn after spending some time with raw food. It is a Japanese concept that encourages us to see beauty in imperfections. Suddenly the odd potato, the teeny pea, the oblong gourd, the not-so-round tomato, the pink apple all look so inviting. As long as they are fresh, natural, and gifted by nature, they are worth appreciating. Once you apply the principle of wabi-sabi to your food, you will be able appreciate beauty in odd ways, at odd places, and in almost everything you encounter. No moment is perfect, but every moment is special. This was my learning. Go find your own wabi-sabi moment, starting with your food.

9. People Who Love Food Are Happy People

See this for yourself. A full belly will give a beautiful feeling of satiation. You will feel at peace for a while after eating your favourite meal. The idea here is to make every meal ‘your favourite’, rather than saving them for special occasions. Find joy in the most simple things, like food. You will feel more peaceful, less stressful, happier, and content. Cultivate this love for your food and spend more time and energy in this ritual.

10. Listen To Your Body

I don’t believe in counting calories, following fads, going on diets, or following random diet plans. Listen to the wisdom of your body. It tells you everything. You just need to attune yourself to it and everything will be achievable. You can lose weight, gain health, tone your flab, get rid of diseases, and achieve a balanced body and mind just by following these principles – watching what, when, and how you eat. If you closely listen to your body, you will receive all your answers. Modern medicine is less than a hundred years old. All ancient methods relied completely on natural healing – with energy, plants, or herbs. Find your answers within nature and within the temple of your body. Listen to your body for guidance – I promise it won’t lead you astray!

Why Restricting Your Eating Time Period To 8 Hours Will Transform Your Health & Fitness

Intermittent fasting can provide many important health benefits, including improving your insulin/leptin sensitivity, helping your body more effectively burn fat for fuel, increasing mental clarity and overall energy levels and more. 
For years I agonized over finding the diet, eating schedule, and workout routine that best suited my goals and lifestyle. It took up a ton of mental energy and time. However, it didn’t matter what I tried or how enthusiastic I was about a new plan of attack for my diet and fitness, sooner or later I would fall off track for various reasons, with much disappointment.
I tried the ‘six small meals a day’ plan, I tried a 100% whole-food diet, I blended, I chopped. I tried numerous workout plans as well, but nothing seemed to be truly resonating with my body. I found myself lethargic most of the day, sick of always planning my meals, and frustrated that with how much effort I was putting into planning my diet and workouts, I still wasn’t seeing or feeling the results I had hoped for.
But this all changed when I discovered intermittent fasting (IF). I had heard a few things here and there, but I’d never fully entertained the topic.
After reading about the incredible health benefits of IF, something finally clicked within my brain. Call it my intuition or my ‘aha!’ moment, but something was telling me that this new approach to eating and fitness was the one I had been waiting for.

Why So Many Struggle With Their Weight

The reason so many struggle with their weight (aside from eating processed foods that have been grossly altered from their natural state) is because they’re in continuous feast mode and rarely ever go without a meal.
As a result, their bodies have adapted to burning sugar as its primary fuel, which down-regulates the enzymes that utilize and burn stored fat. Fasting is an excellent way to “reboot” your metabolism so your body can start burning fat as its primary fuel, which will help you shed your unwanted fat stores.
Once your insulin resistance improves and you are normal weight you can start eating more frequently, as by then you will have reestablished your body’s ability to burn fat for fuel—that’s the key to sustained weight management.
The amount of research around fasting and particularly intermittent fasting is growing exponentially. Let’s explore what the research is saying.

How & Why Intermittent Fasting Works

One 2013 review found a broad range of therapeutic potential in intermittent fasting, even when total calorie intake per day did not change, or was only slightly reduced. Studies included in the review produced evidence that intermittent fasting may:
  • Limit inflammation
  • Improve circulating glucose and lipid levels
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Improve metabolic efficiency and body composition, including significant reductions in body weight in obese individuals
  • Reduce LDL and total cholesterol levels
  • Help prevent type 2 diabetes, as well as slow its progression
  • Reverse type 2 diabetes
  • Improve pancreatic function
  • Improve insulin levels and insulin sensitivity
  • Reproduce some of the cardiovascular benefits associated with physical exercise
  • Protect against cardiovascular disease
  • Modulate levels of dangerous visceral fat
The reasons for these health benefits relate to the fact that the human body appears to be designed to thrive in a cycle of “feast and famine.” By imitating the ancestral conditions of cyclical nourishment, your body enters into a state of optimal functioning. Three major mechanisms by which fasting benefits your health include:
  1. Increased insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial energy efficiency – Fasting increases insulin sensitivity along with mitochondrial energy efficiency, and thereby retards aging and disease, which are typically associated with loss of insulin sensitivity and declined mitochondrial energy.
  2. Reduced oxidative stress – Fasting decreases the accumulation of oxidative radicals in the cell, and thereby prevents oxidative damage to cellular proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids associated with aging and disease.
  3. Increased capacity to resist stress, disease and aging – Fasting induces a cellular stress response (similar to that induced by exercise) in which cells up-regulate the expression of genes that increase the capacity to cope with stress and resist disease and aging.

The Benefits Of Exercising In A Fasted State

We’ve often been told to make sure we are well fed before a workout, but this notion has been a hot topic of debate in recent years.
When we think about the cyclical eating patterns of our ancestors, we know that there were many cases in which they would perform rigorous physical activity on an empty stomach, such as during their hunt for food. Today, research confirms the biological benefits of this type of eating schedule.
John Rowley, Wellness Director for the International Sports Science Association (ISSA) elaborated on this concept to the Huffington Post,
“Exercisers with weight loss goals might find an advantage in waking up and exercising first thing in the morning before eating breakfast or fasting for a few hours before a mid-day or evening workout. ‘The less glucose you have in your system the more fat you will burn,’ says Rowley. However, if your goals are performance related (e.g. to improve strength or speed), working out without fueling up probably isn’t your best bet because a lack of available energy might prevent you from putting forth your best effort.”

What About Gaining Muscle While Intermittent Fasting?

Results from one of Martin Berkhan's clients using the intermittent fasting 'lean gains' approach.
Results from one of Martin Berkhan’s clients using the intermittent fasting ‘lean gains’ approach.
For men or women who are looking to stay lean while gaining muscle mass, Martin Berkhan from Leangains.comhas the optimal solution for this goal.
His methodological approach to intermittent fasting has helped so many achieve their fitness goals that he can easily be considered the expert in the realm of intermittent fasting and muscle gain.
Berkhan offers various types of fasting schedules so that people can choose which one works best with their lifestyle. Personally, I chose his recommended 12pm-8pm eating window followed by a 16-hour fasting period. So far I’ve found this schedule fantastic for a few reasons.
For one, I don’t have to worry about making breakfast as soon as I wake up which to me was becoming a hassle. This goes for late night eating, I know that my eating window stops after 8pm which is convenient in that I know exactly when to eat and when not to.
Another one of Berkhan's client results.
Another one of Berkhan’s client results.
One important note that Berkhan stresses is that if you are going to be lifting heavy weights or training hard, make sure to ingest either a scoop of protein powder or a scoop of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) 5-10 minutes before your workout. Doing this sidesteps the increased protein breakdown of fasted training while still reaping the benefits of the increased anabolic response as seen in this study.
Another important factor to remember is to make sure you are eating lots during your 8 hour eating window. Starving yourself combined with fasting while exercising regularly is sure fired way for exhaustion and nutrient depletion.
Here is how my schedule looks on a heavy workout day (taking into account my goal is to be building muscle):
7:30-8:00 am: Wake up and ingest 10 grams of BCAAs
8:30 am: Workout. 
10:00 am: Another scoop of BCAAs or protein powder. Cup of coffee and then work or errands before I break the fast.
12:00 pm: Post-workout meal/Fast-breaking meal. (Should be the biggest meal of the day. Keep protein and carbs high.)
3:00 pm: 2nd post-workout meal. 
7:30 pm: 3rd meal of the day. Again, keeping protein and carbs high. 
9:00 pm: Tea and water galore!
Repeat daily.
*Remember, you can create the type of fasting schedule you want based on your lifestyle. Some people fast for 14 hours, while others fast up to 24+ hours. That is why IF can work for anyone.

Is IF For You?

The results thus far have been very pleasing. I’m finally seeing my abs for the first time in years, I have overall increased muscle definition and composition, my energy levels are through the roof, and my hunger levels have subsided for the most part.
Tea, coffee, and water are allowed as much as you like during the fasting state so long as you don’t succeed 50 calories in sugar or milk.
There is so much more information available regarding intermittent fasting that it is difficult to explore within this single article, so stay tuned for more articles regarding IF in the very near future.

5 Ways To Simplify, Understand & Improve Your Sex Life

I think it’s time we spill the beans, expose our perversions, and talk about the ‘F’ word. One of the most commonly used words, second only to love, the realities of this natural human behaviour are usually swept under the carpet (or blanket in our case). Whatever happens behind closed doors is deemed private and hushed. It becomes ‘the unspoken word.’ We are confused about it and full of questions – are we having too much, too little, too insipid, too wild, too rough, too boring, too kinky? Are we doing it the right way, the wrong way, the ‘Godly’ way? And so on and so forth, it goes on. It’s something we do all the time, yet so rarely talk about – of course we want to know more about it.
But how did we make it so complex? Where did we go so wrong with something so basic, so primal, so essential?
In my country there is a certain stigma attached to enjoying sex, especially for the unmarried, with guilt and shame laying at the heart of it. It is the land of Kamasutra and erotica, of beautiful sexual expression, how did we go so wrong over the years?

Surprising Stats

Today I was reading an article in the New York Times by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a contributing member and economist. He revealed some shocking data from Google on sex, documented over the past few years from search queries, that offer fresh insights on socially sensitive issues. The results were revelatory. ‘On Google the top complaint about a marriage is not having sex. Searches for ‘sexless marriage’ are three and a half times more common than ‘unhappy marriage’ and eight times more common than ‘loveless marriage.’ There are 16 times more complaints about a spouse not wanting sex than about a married partner not being willing to talk. Even couples not yet married complain somewhat frequently about lack of sex. Google searches for ‘sexless relationship’ are only second to searches for ‘abusive relationship.’
Having a dysfunctional sex life is more common than we may have thought. And it’s time to talk about it.
The ancients in India believed that sex energy was nothing but a form of creative energy. You could use this energy to procreate, write, paint, make music, or do anything else that was creative. Sex was never seen as a phenomena isolated from other activities. When this energy is in balance, one feels inspired and alive, and one is full of vigour for life. Over the years this energy has been suppressed, and people have been conditioned to adopt new and faulty beliefs. Sex was transformed from an act of love to something darker, something for which one should feel shame. But this dichotomy is unhealthy. Until this stifling veil falls away, we will not be able to live life in all its splendour. Nature is the most beautiful example of abundant creative energy. Today, I invite all of you to disassociate from all the false notions of sex our society perpetuates and which may be causing you stress in the bedroom, and instead to celebrate your sexuality and this magnificent energy. A few tips in kickstarting this journey:

Bring Awareness To The Act

Civilisations throughout history have believed in the power of sex and considered it sacred. There are many temples in South East Asia that worship genitalia as a source of powerful creative energy. Bring awareness to this sacred act whenever you practice it. Be aware of all the sensations in your body. How do you feel when your partner feels you in different places? Dwell in every sensation. Feel it with the same intensity as you feel the sun on a hot day, the sand on the beach, the balmy mountain breeze, wet mud on a rainy day. Be the ‘observer.’ Feel the pain, the pleasure, the tensed muscles, the heavy breathing; experience the sounds and the silences. Dwell in the moment of orgasm. Creation was made in this one moment. Don’t let sex be an insipid, habitual, random, or wasted act that one needs to simply get through. Harness your own potential and be amazed at what you find.

Create A Space For Love

Much like your library, kitchen, or TV room are spaces dedicated to specific activities, a special corner of your home should be assigned for engaging in the act of love. You could fill this room with incense, candles, oils, cozy blankets, soft cushions or whatever else you associate with this lovemaking. You want this to be a space where you feel relaxed, not tense. Whenever you enter the room, switch off your phone, set aside your worries from the day, and fill your mind with amorous thoughts only. Think of love making as a fulfilling activity. It has great recreational quality, can revitalize you, and can charge every cell in your body, making you feel a lot younger. Recent studies show that people who make love more often look much younger and less jaded than their more abstinent counterparts.

Don’t Worry About Performance

Do not overthink sex. This is a very simple act. Rather than learning from pulp magazines, bring more intuitiveness into your love life. You have been fed a lot of nonsense, and its about time to throw that garbage out of your system and depollute your mind. Trust yourself to know how to bring pleasure to yourself and your partner. Observe and learn from what excites your partner. The more awareness you bring into this act, the more you will start enjoying it naturally. Your partner will get more aroused with this awareness and you will be able to climax better. Remove notions of how long it’s supposed to last, what it should be like and what you need to do. Start with the wonder of a child and explore the uncharted territories. Find small delights and pleasures, and let this be your journey.

Eliminate Guilt & Shame

Drop the baggage associated with sex -if you still can’t dissociate sex with guilt or overindulgence, start meditating on sex. Believe that pleasure and pain are two faces of the same coin. Nature shows abundance in every way, so let your life be full of abundance too – whether its money, happiness, a career or beautiful long-lasting relationships. Start with love making. Practice it with unbridled passion. This is the only act where you are giving and receiving in the same breath. Practice it with awareness and belief and witness how it transforms other facets of your life.

Communicate With Your Partner

The problem is that men often dissociate feelings with sex and women often cannot have sex until they feel emotionally connected to their partners. The trouble: partners do not communicate. They need to get into each other’s shoes more often. Share your desires with your partner, what arouses you, what takes you higher, what ignites your fantasy. Make this union special every time. If you have never tried, try writing your sex fantasies and sharing them with your partner. Don’t shy away from pleasure; there is nothing dirty about it. Bring more love and compassion to your love making. While you respect your partner’s sacred space and vulnerabilities, you can also introduce naughty surprises -create this chemistry with your partner.  Forge a special bond with your spouse or lover.
Sex is the celebration of oneness. Every molecule in your body dances with delight in this sacred union. Heightened sexual pleasure will reflect in all of life’s experiences. This is the secret of a fulfilling life, a beautiful relationship. Conscious love making is soul stirring. Practice it with love and awareness. Bring this ecstatic bliss and love into your life. Deepen your sexual understanding through your own experience. Let this be yours and special in every way.

This Is What Your Acne Reveals About Your Health

According to Chinese medicine, the acne that shows up on the face could actually be directly linked to the health of your internal organs. It can be beneficial for your health to note where your acne is showing up on your face, and pay special attention to the organs that correlate. This also relates to the types of foods that you are eating, and foods that you should be limiting. See map below

The Upper Forehead

Correlates to the digestive system and bladder. It is important to drink plenty of water and drastically limit greasy food and processed sugars. Consume large amounts of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Eat foods that are rich in anti-oxidants and consider drinking warm lemon water and green tea regularly. Be sure that you are getting a good source of probiotics, which you can get from fermented foods such as: sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, or kefir. If you do not consume these foods you may want to consider taking a probiotic supplement.

The Lower Forehead

Is said to relate to the heart. Your heart is a massive organ that pumps the blood through your entire body. It is so important to keep your heart healthy; you can do so by participating in regular cardiovascular activity. You can also help clear up this type of acne by eating coconut oil and pomegranate.

Eyebrow/Eye Area

This area relates to the liver. If you tend to get acne in this area often, it may indicate that your liver has been overworked and is in need of a cleanse. Try to eliminate or drastically cut back on fried, greasy foods, alcohol, and dairy. Some foods that can assist with cleansing the liver include: green tea, carrots, beets, lemons, limes, garlic leafy greens, and grapefruit. Try to purchase organic whenever possible.


If you tend to get large painful pimples on your ears it may be a sign that your kidneys are not being taken care of. This could be as simple as not getting enough water and/or eating too much sodium, specifically that found in processed foods. Other factors that lead to unhealthy kidneys include: eating too much animal protein, being deficient in magnesium and other minerals, not getting enough sleep, and excess sugar consumption. Consider cutting these back.

Upper Cheeks

Flare ups on the upper cheeks are related to the lungs and respiratory system. This may happen often if you’re a smoker, but also if you have a respiratory illness such as asthma. Living in a polluted area can also cause this and even lung infections.

Lower Cheeks

Acne flare-ups on your lower cheeks may be related to gum or teeth problems. You may want to limit refined sugars and completely eliminate soft drinks. Consider implementing a practice known as Oil Pulling into your daily routine.

Side Of Chin

This is especially for women, as flare-ups on the sides of the chin are a good indication of a hormonal imbalance. Factors that can cause this include: menstruation, birth control, and a diet high in soy products. Emotional and physical stress can also cause hormone imbalances. Foods that can help to balance the hormones include: holy basil, liquorice, burdock, red raspberry leaves, milk thistle and green tea.

Center Of The Chin

Acne on the center of the chin can be related to digestion and to problems with the the stomach and small intestine. This can be directly caused by a poor diet and/or food allergies such as one to gluten. You may want to consider a whole foods cleanse for a week to assist with movement in the intestines. If your gut is lacking probiotics it won’t matter how much good, clean healthy food you are eating, the nutrients will simply pass right through you.
As always, getting adequate sleep, drinking enough water, and meditating regularly are key for maintaining good mental and physical health – don’t forget!

The Mother Of All Antioxidants

We have all heard of antioxidants, but have we heard of the mother of all antioxidants? One that is the secret to prevent cancer, heart disease, aging, neurological issues and more? This single antioxidant has been studied in great depth yet most of us know nothing about it and  many doctors have no idea how to address the epidemic of its deficiency in humans.

We are of course talking about Glutathione (pronounced “gloota-thigh-own.”) This is a powerful detoxifier and immune booster and is crucial to a healthy life. Although the body does make some of its own Glutathione, poor food quality, pollution, toxic environments, stress, infections and radiation are all depleting out bodies glutathione.

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is a simple molecule produced naturally in the body at all times. It’s a combination of three building blocks of protein or amino acids — cysteine, glycine and glutamine.
The best part of glutathione is that is contains sulfur chemical groups that work to trap all the bad things like free radicals and toxins such as mercury and heavy metals in our body then flush them out. This is especially important in our current world of heavy metal bombardment.

Where Can You Get Glutathione?

The body makes it, but it’s often not enough in our strenuous environment. Here are some food sources that either contain glutathione or its precursors to help the body produce more.
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Avocados
  • Peaches
  • Watermelon
  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamom
  • Turmeric (Curcumin)
  • Tomatoes
  • Peas
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Red peppers
Notice they are all healthy foods we often don’t get enough of? This is another big issue with our diets. We consume a lot of junk, meat, dairy and processed foods, items that clinically have been proven to be the number one causes of heart disease and illness yet we consume  them in huge quantities. The key is to limit these and eat a lot of fresh, lively foods that provide nutrients and don’t ask the body to perform a mega job to digest.
You can also increase your exercise as glutathione production increases when you exercise. Breathing and sweating are also great ways to get rid of toxins in the body.

Glutathione Protects Against Chronic Illness

What makes glutathione so important and powerful is that it recycles antioxidants. When your body is dealing with free radicals, it is essentially passing them from one molecule to another. They might go from vitamin C to vitamin E to lipoic acid and then to glutathione where they are cooled off. Antioxidants are recycled at this point and the body can now regenerate another glutathione molecule to go back at it again.
Glutathione is crucial for helping your immune system fight chronic illness as it acts as the carrier of toxins out of your body. Like a fly trap, toxins stick to glutathione and they are carried to the bile into the stools and out of the body. Glutathione is also powerful enough that it has been shown to help in the treatment of AIDS greatly. The body is going to get in touch with oxidants and toxins, the more we can deal with those the better our body will be at staying strong, this is why glutathione is so important.

9 Final Tips

Dr. Mark Hyman has given 9 tips to increase your Glutathione levels. Check them out!
1. Consume sulfur-rich foods. The main ones in the diet are garlic, onions and the cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress, etc.).
2. Try bioactive whey protein. This is great source of cysteine and the amino acid building blocks for glutathione synthesis. As you know, I am not a big fan of dairy, but this is an exception — with a few warnings. The whey protein MUST be bioactive and made from non-denatured proteins (“denaturing” refers to the breakdown of the normal protein structure). Choose non-pasteurized and non-industrially produced milk that contains no pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics. Immunocal is a prescription bioactive non-denatured whey protein that is even listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference.
3. Exercise boosts your glutathione levels and thereby helps boost your immune system, improve detoxification and enhance your body’s own antioxidant defenses. Start slow and build up to 30 minutes a day of vigorous aerobic exercise like walking or jogging, or play various sports. Strength training for 20 minutes 3 times a week is also helpful.
One would think it would be easy just to take glutathione as a pill, but the body digests protein — so you wouldn’t get the benefits if you did it this way. However, the production and recycling of glutathione in the body requires many different nutrients and you CAN take these. Here are the main supplements that need to be taken consistently to boost glutathione. Besides taking a multivitamin and fish oil, supporting my glutathione levels with these supplements is the most important thing I do every day for my personal health.
4. N-acetyl-cysteine. This has been used for years to help treat asthma and lung disease and to treat people with life-threatening liver failure from Tylenol overdose. In fact, I first learned about it in medical school while working in the emergency room. It is even given to prevent kidney damage from dyes used during x-ray studies.
5. Alpha lipoic acid. This is a close second to glutathione in importance in our cells and is involved in energy production, blood sugar control, brain health and detoxification. The body usually makes it, but given all the stresses we are under, we often become depleted.
6. Methylation nutrients (folate and vitamins B6 and B12). These are perhaps the most critical to keep the body producing glutathione. Methylation and the production and recycling of glutathione are the two most important biochemical functions in your body. Take folate (especially in the active form of 5 methyltetrahydrofolate), B6 (in active form of P5P) and B12 (in the active form of methylcobalamin).
7. Selenium. This important mineral helps the body recycle and produce more glutathione.
8. A family of antioxidants including vitamins C and E (in the form of mixed tocopherols), work together to recycle glutathione.
9. Milk thistle (silymarin) has long been used in liver disease and helps boost glutathione levels.

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