An infection can occur because of the development of bacteria,
fungus, or pathogens that might alter the vaginal ecosystem, generating
a potential damage in the vagina. Some symptoms of a vaginal infection
are pain, difficulty urinating, or unusual odor. These occur because of
the proliferations of microorganisms inside the vagina. They usually
take place inside the vagina, however they can be develop in the uterus
with acute and serious complications.
The effects of a vaginal infection are wide. From typical vaginitis
to septic shock, they can evolve into an inflammation of the endometrial
tract, the fallopian tubes, or inflammation of the pelvis.
Types of Vaginal infections
Typically the diagnosis is made through fluid analysis and their
characteristics. In any woman they can be categorized by the following
• Bacterial Vaginitis – the most common type of vaginal infection.
Symptoms are itching, color changes in discharge, odor in vaginal fluid,
and post-coitus bad odor, it can also be asymptomatic. Caused by
• Candida or yeast – Symptoms include burning or itching sensation,
redness of the vulva, and pain and burning with urinating. This
infection is recognizable for white discharge with fetid odor. Caused by
• Trichomoniasis – Sexual transmitted disease, recognizable by white
or yellowish discharge and itching. Very dangerous because it can
affect the cervix.
What produces an infection?
There are several things that might produce a vaginal infection,
usually they are produced by fungus, trichomoniasis, vaginitis, or can
be sexually transmitted diseases. Another factor that can contribute to
the rise of a vaginal infection are allergies or irritation caused by
spermicides, vaginal hygiene products, soaps, scented tampons, and
Hormonal changes during puberty, adolescence, pregnancy, and
menopause can trigger a vaginal infection, or can become a risk factor
for infection. Sexual intercourse without vaginal lubrication can
increase vulnerability to these infections. More risk factors are:
miscarriages, surgical interventions, sexual intercourse without
protection, pregnancy, hormonal treatments, antibiotics, poor hygiene,
vaginal douche, multiple sex partners, and stress.
Prevention of vaginal infection
If you experience any of these symptoms you should visit your doctor immediately as it can be affecting your inner organs.
• Good hygiene
• Wash genitals gently with soap and water every day to keep moisture away
• Don’t use vaginal douches, gel, or antiseptic agents
• Don’t use scented tampons or vaginal deodorant
• Do not wear tight or wet clothes
• Wear cotton clothes, try to avoid nylon pants
• If you use sex toys wash thoroughly before and after use
• Clean your genitals before and after intercourse
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